Marilyn SchonbernerIndependent Member
Chair of the Audit Committee

Marilyn Schonberner is a Corporate Director with over thirty-five years of international experience in the Energy and Mining sectors.  She retired in 2016 as the Chief Financial Officer of Nexen Energy ULC.  During her 21-year career with Nexen, she held various executive roles with responsibility for financial and risk management, audit, human resources, strategic planning and budgeting, supply chain, and information services.  Ms. Schonberner currently serves on the board of directors of Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. (Chair of Audit Committee, member of Human Resources Committee) and New Gold (Chair of Audit Committee, member of Governance and Nominating Committee).   She holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Calgary. She is a CPA, CMA and a Certified Internal Auditor. Ms. Schonberner completed the Senior Executive Development Programme at the London Business School and has obtained the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors. 

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